I must be insane, starting a blog, but I love reading artists' blogs myself, so this seems like a way to keep myself on track with my art.
I am a wife, mother of three grown offspring, and grandmother of two incredibly cute and noisy little boys. My husband and I refresh our spirits by getting out on the waters of Puget Sound and points north on our boat. Being a fair-weather boater the season in the pacific northwest is a bit short, but we savor our days on the water. This picture of me was taken at Saturna Winery in the Canadian Gulf islands last summer. Our boat is in a yard in Port Townsend being worked on and painted at the moment. It is a 32 foot Grand Banks trawler, "Seascape" hull number two, so made of wood. I call her my husbands "mistress", and he is not sure who is more demanding of time and money, me or her!
I always tote paints and sketchbooks along on our trips but spend more time taking photos to paint from than working plein aire. Seems like we are either exploring ashore or anchored out and being mesmerized by tranquility. Sometimes do watercolor sketches while underway if we have a calm crossing of one of the straights. Have also been known to bring my beading materials aboard too, which is tricky work aboard a boat!
Many eons ago I was a graphic design major at the University of Washington. It was a 5 year BFA of which I only did 4 because my husband to be was graduating from Stanford and getting his commission as a Navy Supply Corps Officer. We had dated since high school... 6 years, and "pen-pals" for 4, (Kids don't know how lucky they are to have email!) ... it was time. So, I became a Navy Wife during the Viet Nam years. Had kids, traveled all over the country plus Japan, and finally came home to the Northwest after 14 moves and 20 years . We have been settled here for more years than that now, and My husband commutes to Seattle every day to a second career. He works. We boat. I paint, garden, (sort of!) cook, play with grandkids, make jewelry, and commit my hours to more than I can keep up with.
I have always drawn or painted, it is a compulsion to create. I used to be embarrassed to call myself an "artist" because I felt one needed to have some kind of public acclaim to claim the title. Now I believe that most of us are artists in some way or another, as the need to be creative is universal. I paint because I must. I have to express my view of the world around me. I do it for myself, not to please someone else. I DO paint portraits on commission on occasion, but mostly I paint to try to reach an excellence that is always slightly out of reach.
Now, if I can just figure out how to get photos of my paintings onto this blog!