
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Painting On The Boat

Here I am, working in a sketchbook on our boat. this only works at anchor and on smooth crossings of the straights. The laptop was set up to view some of my photos.Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Grandsons: Kevin at age 4, Ryan at age 2 oil on canvas

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Sketchbook Journaling

May 1, 2011

May 1st, and we have had two whole days of sunshine after the coldest April on record in the Seattle area. These trilliums are blooming in the woods on the back of our property, along with Indian plum and salmon berry bushes. I love this time of year when everything is new and green and promises more to come.

The boating season began for us this weekend when we took our first overnight trip of the year. We don't have heat except when under way or plugged in at a marina, so we usually wait until late April to enjoy being out on the water.

My husband and I joined our Power and Sail Squadron friends at a rondezvous in Oak Harbor. It was a two and a half hour run for us from LaConner where we keep "Seascape". Smooth waters both coming and going, and I am a fair weather boater, so that was great.

I took along two bags of art supplies and books to read but didn't get a thing painted. Too busy visiting and savoring the day. The water around the docks was glowing green in the sunshine, with schools of perch and smelt about 6 inches long . I did take lots of photos for future painting reference. If the weather continues so nice my painting mania will be warring with the urge to dig in the dirt and plant things, but I should be able to spare some time to sketching in the garden even if I am planting. If it rains this week I am saved the choice. At least I will never be bored!